Each internet business will reach a certain point where it begins to get to big for simple shared hosting. Using shared hosting is a great way to get yourself established and proving your existence, but it is not enough to bring in the real money when you get to a certain period in your growth. You will need something a bit more powerful for you hosting needs.
An e-business has two choices if they are looking for hosting services with more power. If a business is not limited on money, it is possible for them to get dedicated hosting where the entire physical server is dedicated to their website. With this solution, a business will be able to enjoy high security, premium services, a lot of speed, and very little downtime. Unfortunately, it is rather expensive. The cost is so high that most small and medium sized companies are unable to afford to use dedicated servers. Fortunately, there is yet another option. VPS servers help to fill the gap between shared servers and dedicated servers.
With VPS hosting, one physical server is divided and partitioned into several virtual servers and allocated to a number of clients. Despite this division, each client that the virtual server houses gets all the resources a dedicated server can offer. The client and website can, for all intents and purpose, act as if they’re the only once using that server. Every VPS server comes with individual software and operating systems to run it. The security and mail servers are individual to that virtual server.
Windows 2008 VPS hosting relies on the new Hyper-V technology, allowing business to enjoy a more reliable and powerful platform. The upgrade was due to the fact that Windows 2007 chould not keep up with their competition’s technology. Now that Windows VPS hosting servers use Hyper-V technology, their customers are able to enjoy better performance and an overall improvement in the hosting service.
By using Windows VPS a business will be able to take advantage of several benefits. The administrator of the website being hosted will get the best benefit. This is especially true for a person who is new to the whole process, because Windows offers an interface that is warm, inviting, and encouraging. It is very easy to set up your website using this hosting service. Due to the fact that most people are familiar with a Windows interface, new users tend to find it easy to get used to the Windows VPS hosting environment.
Security is also much better with Windows VPS hosting. This is great news for clients with websites that are extremely popular, or contain custom programs that should remain secure.
The one downfall of Windows VPS hosting is that it requires a lot of web resources from the server. However, when using the newest version of Windows 2008 Secure Core Technology, this downfall can be forgotten about. It is important that companies realize that Windows VPS hosting services tend to cost more than Linux VPS hosting. This is primarily due to the license costs. Since Linux is an open source, no license is required. However, Microsoft requires that any companies utilizing Windows VPS hosting services to purchase a Windows License.
EZForexHost-A Dedicated Forex VPS
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